Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sacramento Chapter of Maunatul Islam

Maunatul Islam of Sacramento
Contributed by Mohammed Shaheed
At a general meeting held on June 9, 2013 in Sacramento a new chapter of Maunatul Islam Sacramento was formed.

Office Bearers

PRESIDENT:             Br. Mohammed Tariq

VPS:                            Br. Ali Ahmad and Br. Ifran Mahmood

Secretary:                    Br. Mohammed Shaheed

Asst. Sec:                    Br. Abdul Rahim (Aiyub)

Treasurer:                    Br. Azhar Jabbar Khan

Asst. Tres:                   Br. Abdul Islam

Speaker:                      Br. Navid Iqbal Rahmani


Brothers Abdul Kaiyum, Ali Khan, Mohammed Hafiz, Mustaq, Faraaz Malik, Bob Koya, Rahmat Ali and Mohammed Khalil   


Hajji Nasir Ahmad, Maulana Amin Nauman, Hajji Moidin, Hajji Mohammed Kadir, Hajji Mohammed Sarwar, Mohammed Yusuf and Mohammed Rafiq.


Ratib observed at Lathrop, California

A section of the Maunatul Islam members at a Milad at Lathrop home of Abdul Rahim led by Hajji Mohammed Aiyub Saturday June 22, 2013,

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